Reiki Master Certification
Three Day Class (8:30 AM to 6:30 PM Daily)
Number of spots left: 3
Prerequisite: Reiki I & II Certification + 6 months practice
Paid in full today: $999
Payment plan: $1099 ($299 deposit, balance must be paid in full before class begins)
This is a 3-day intensive training that will upgrade your Reiki energy to the next level giving you a deeper level of healing and profound connection with Source. It will be a collection of lectures, discussion, Experiences (meditations), Placement/Ignitions (attunements), and plenty of hands-on practice on self and others.
- Usui Master symbol and Master Ignition
- Hands-on practice with Master symbol
- Holy Fire symbol- and Holy Fire Ignition
- Ocean of Holy Love Experience (meditation)
- Hands-on practice with Holy Fire symbol
- Instruction on initiating Reiki I and II placements/attunements
- Healing River of Peace Experience (Meditation)
- Total of 4 Ignitions including World Peace
- Total of 5 symbols
- Incorporating crystals into Reiki
- Values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master
- Instruction on using outlines for teaching Reiki
- How to develop and promote a Reiki business
- Q and A
- This is a deeply healing experience